The kit contains the Self Directed Search assessment booklet, the Educational Opportunites Finder, and a booklet "You and Your Career".
The Self Directed Search (SDS) is the most widely used career interest inventory in the world. It is an easy to use self administered inventory that will help you find the occupation that best fits YOUR interests and skills. The SDS is based on Holland's widely accepted theory which recognizes that personality type plays a key role in helping you find the best vocation - one which will provide meaning and fulfillment.
The Self Directed Search self assessment booklet evaluates your interests and abilities. The test takes approximately 35-45 minutes and provides you with a three letter summary code. Using this summary code and the Educational Opportunites Finder (included) you will find the college major or vocational program that matches your interests, ability and personality.
The Educational Opportunities Finder (EOF)is a comprehensive booklet which lists 750 post-secondary fields of study by three letter Holland Code. The EOF enables you to relate YOUR summary code to various educational and training options finding the best educational opportunity for you.
The 8 page booklet "You and Your Career" (included) helps you make the best use of your results on the SDS. It also shows you how to use your summary codes and scores and provides suggestions for making satisfying career decisions.
In addition, you will also have access to our resident therapist - who will answer your questions and provide any needed direction free of charge.